Wednesday, June 22, 2011



On Sunday we spoke about asking the right type of question on Chumash - a question on the book instead of a question on the specifics of a story.  But I thought the questions on my previous post (the Dibros) were the right types of questions, yet you said to move away from the Dibros and focus on something else.  Plus you said that the order of when Moshe received the Torah and the Dibros and the strange presentation of the whole thing, were not questions you focused on, rather, you focused more on the Dibros themselves, which again confused me because I thought those would have been the right type of questions.

I think what would really help me out at this point would be to give me an example of the right type of question, the type of question we're looking for.  That way I could just imitate it, instead of talking about it and guessing.

1 comment:

  1. Ok Dan. Meanwhile continue your reading of Chumash identifying its storyline as you see it. Just read it as a book rather than strings of words or pesukim. If you get stuck on a story, move on after a day or so. Dont spend too much time on one story.
